Achieve maximum value for business assets and equipment with NCM Auctions

What is a Liquidation Auction? 

Liquidation is the process that happens when a company goes out of business. When this occurs, the company will likely have outstanding debts owed to suppliers, staff and other stakeholders – but they will also have their company assets remaining that hold value. These assets will often be in the form of equipment, real estate, machinery, vehicles and stock. 

A liquidation auction is carried to out the sell these assets to the highest bidder to ‘realise’ their value. The proceeds of the auction are then distributed to creditors, staff and other stakeholders. 

Selling assets via a liquidation auction is a fair and swift process whereby assets can be sold within a month. Through expert marketing and advertising we maximise the size of the auction audience to encourage competition between buyers, resulting in achieving the highest possible price for the goods. 

The Liquidation Auction Process 

In most cases where a company is going out of business, an administrator or liquidator is appointed who will try and find a buyer to save the company. If that can’t be achieved, then the company assets will be sold to clear the debts. NCM Auctions manages liquidation auctions on behalf of these parties to sell the assets. 

Our auction process is clear and transparent, with the assets for sale listed via an online catalogue with detailed imagery and descriptions. Anyone can bid for the assets so long as they aren’t connected to the company that has gone out of business.   

In most cases our liquidation auctions are completed following a liquidator passing on assets to us to sell on their behalf. However, it’s worth noting that we have worked with multiple businesses to help them avoid liquidation by selling their surplus assets to raise capital in advance of their financial situation becoming untenable. 

NCM Auctions work with businesses and organisations that want to:

  • Sell their own assets and equipment
  • Sell recovered assets and equipment
  • Find a RICS valuation and auction partner

We have sold assets and equipment for the following sectors and industries:

  • Lease and Hire
  • Vehicles and Fleet
  • Restaurants and Hospitality
  • Engineering and Woodwork
  • Aviation and Marine
  • Plant and Machinery
  • Hotels
  • Commercial catering
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Stadiums and Confex
  • Many more

We're ready to help you:

  • Quickly maximise the financial return for your assets
  • Get a fast and professional RICS valuation
  • Clear entire businesses quickly
  • Generate fast cash flow 
  • Manage the entire process for you
  • Start today

Start a conversation with our liquidation, insolvency, RICS and finance team today

Contact us:

01302 898 260


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